February 24, 2025

Six Reparative Bonding Activities The ‘Finding Carter’ Twins Should Consider

After being shot in the chest and rushed to the hospital, “Finding Carter“‘s Max is steadily improving, but the same can’t necessarily be said of Carter and Taylor‘s relationship as the twins await his full recovery.

Taylor, who directed blame for Max’s condition squarely at Carter, eviscerated her sister on the most recent episode, leaving Carter soaked in tears in the hospital cafeteria. Taylor’s words stung, but ultimately, Carter realized she was right to be so upset and apologized for fleeing town with Crash — an action that ultimately led to Max’s incapacity.

“I have put you through hell, but I promise you, I am going to make it up to you,” Carter said.


It was certainly a step in the right direction, but after months of tension between the ladies, wethinks sincere reconciliation will take more than a single verbal Band-Aid. So, here are six activities Carter and Taylor can consider to rebuild their sisterhood. Take a look, and see how the “Finding Carter” season ends on next week’s finale!

1. Try tandem parasailing.
For many, the ocean is a universal cure-all, and if Carter and Taylor had the chance to escape the world a mile above the sea with only each other as company, we predict some solid breakthroughs would follow. You know, unless they spent the ride shrieking in fear…

2. Complete a 500-piece novelty puzzle.
Whether they illustrate sweeping scenes of Yellowstone or a novelty California license plate, puzzles require determination, communication and blue ribbon teamwork. So pop open any of the boxes collecting dust in your attic, ladies, and get to work!


3. Consult the ghost of Christmas future for a cautionary tale.
Listen, if the guy successfully talked Scrooge off a cliff and scared him into serving turkey dinner in the Cratchit’s humble dining room, he’s clearly got some tricks up his sleeve. One look at how miserable a future without each other could definitely offer Carter and Taylor some perspective.

4. See an uplifting Broadway production.
Tell us you could sit through “Defying Gravity,” “Hello, Dolly!” or “I Get a Kick Out Of You” without smiling, and we’d be sure you were lying through your teeth. No one leaves the theater the same way they entered, and we can almost count on the fact that Taylor and Carter could ride their sing-songy high right back into each other’s good graces.

5. Outwit a Chinese finger trap.
Seriously, do you know how difficult those things are? If the ladies don’t kill each other in the process, and if they manage to keep their index fingers unbroken, they’ll surely be stronger for the struggle.

6. Exact the choreography from “Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion.”
Because it fixes everything…

About the author  ⁄ Matthew Scott Donnelly

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