December 19, 2024

Snooki Has A Close Encounter With Her Alien Peoples

Nicole Polizzi has hinted in the past that she might be part alien, so it should come as no surprise that the UFO-obsessed guidette attended a “Roswell” reunion this past weekend.

That’s right — the hot mama, who lives in New Jersey with her fiancé Jionni LaValle and one-year-old son Lorenzo (and six-month baby bump), traveled all the way to Austin, Texas, for the 2014 ATX Television Festival. There, the cast of “Roswell” dished about shooting the beloved science-fiction WB cult series, which aired from 1999 to 2002.

snooki roswell reunion1Snooki’s Instagram

Snooki gushed on her website that it was an “amazing experience,” despite having no actual meet-and-greet with the stars. As for her YOLO levels?

“I cried three times, almost peed my pants from excitement and had sweaty palms the whole time,” the “Snooki & JWOWW” star revealed. This, coming from a girl who’s walked a thousand red carpets with the likes of Rihanna and Lady Gaga.

Snooki Roswell ReunionSnooki’s Celebuzz Site

Nicole even got to ask the panel a question — if they believed in aliens — but the host apparently cut her off and told her to “shut up.” HOW RUDE.

Even though her event pics were blurry due to excessive shaking, the MTV standout made sure to document the outing on her Instagram account. “I have alien powers today. Don’t mess with me,” she captioned the photograph below. Paging Snooki’s spaceship…

snooki roswell reunionSnooki’s Instagram

Take a trip down memory lane to watch Snooki get to the bottom of her mystery genetics — and find out if she’s truly from another planet!

About the author  ⁄ Jordana Ossad

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