February 24, 2025

‘Teen Mom 2′ Poll: Should Kailyn Have Fought Harder For Her Time With Isaac?

Kailyn and Jo took a slight step backward on tonight’s episode of “Teen Mom 2” — all because of a disagreement about Father’s Day.

The former couple had been making tremendous strides in their personal relationship as they raise their son Isaac — they’d experienced a parenting first with their significant others and even attended the four-year-old’s art show together. But the two hit a roadblock when it came to the special holiday.


During one of their drop-offs, Kail revealed that her upcoming family vacation — scheduled during her designated time with Isaac — would fall on Father’s Day. She told Jo that she’d hoped he would be open to celebrating early or late, as Isaac would be on the trip, but the young boy’s father wasn’t agreeable.

“I don’t know — that doesn’t really work for me,” he said, before adding that the day is so important to him, he involved his lawyers to make sure it was in every custody agreement going forward. “I mean, I hate saying, ‘No, you can’t take him. At the same time, it makes me feel like s**t not being able to have him for Father’s Day.”


Eventually, a frustrated Kail decided she’d rather avoid confrontation than stick up for what she wanted — and allowed the father-son duo to be together for the occasion.

“At the end of the day, it’s not what we want [and] it’s not what Jo wants — it’s what’s best for Isaac,” she told her husband Javi.

But her better half didn’t agree with his wife’s call. “At the end of the day, it is what Jo wants,” he said. “If it’s what was best for Isaac, he would be going [with us].”

Jo had every right to want to see his son on Father’s Day, but Kailyn’s vacation was scheduled during her already-approved time with Isaac. And while it’s always good for a dad and son to spend time together — especially on Father’s Day — it meant that Kail wouldn’t have her boy along for a family getaway. So tell us: Should Kailyn have pushed harder to get what she wanted, or did she make the best decision by conceding to Jo? Take our poll, and weigh in below.

About the author  ⁄ Jordana Ossad

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