December 19, 2024

The ‘Teen Wolf’ Season 4 Trailer, By The Numbers

As they say, there’s no rest for the wicked. And while Beacon Hills has been to hell and back (and suffered the loss of one of its most noble heroes, Allison Argent, along the way) a new breed of evil is already poised to strike. Here’s hoping Scott McCall and his “Teen Wolf” friends can pick their heads up quickly.

In the trailer for the show’s fourth season, which premieres on June 23 at 10/9c, a resurrected Kate Argent and a mysterious being known as The Benefactor both threaten to tear the small town apart once again. But can our favorite supernatural/human-hybrid wolfpack stand their ground? See what’s to come, and take a more critical look at the clip, with our by-the-numbers handbook:

Severed heads: 1
Who’s now sans a noggin in Beacon Hills? It’s hard to tell, but we’re suddenly yearning for turtlenecks.

Missing lips: 2
Is this the mysterious Benefactor? If he’s as rich as his name indicates, he should consider some elective surgery.

Instances in which Lydia looks seriously distraught: 3
Beacon Hills’ favorite banshee is back, but she doesn’t seem too happy. When she gets that look on her face, you know death is just around the corner.

Lacrosse stick sightings: 4
The Oni ensured we didn’t see much of Beacon Hills’ finest athletes last season, but it looks like there’s plenty of action to come in Season 4 — even Kira appears to have taken up the sport.

Inches we jumped out of our seat when Peter Hale was struck in the chest by an ice pick: 5
He’s got more lives than a cat, but how will Peter cheat death after a big, honking spear barrels through his chest?


Inches of hair Kira appears to have lopped off: 6
Arden Cho tweeted that she was happy for her character to debut shorter locks — and considering all the high-flying stunt work she’s got coming up, the cut seems to work for style and function!


Malia’s level of pain, as estimated by the Wong-Baker Faces Scale: 7
Beacon Hills’ first werecoyote just returned to her human state, but she’s already getting thrown to the wolves (that’s our self-indulgent laughter you hear).

Faces poking through the wall: 8
It’s like an amusement park game, but one that’ll make you soil yourself!


Approx. gallons of blood spilled: 9
If local blood banks got word every time a “Teen Wolf” battle was about to erupt, they may never need elective donors!

Seconds we cheered internally when Melissa McCall told her son Scott to “Go get that son of a bitch!”: 10
No more Mrs. Nice Guy — the typically benevolent Nurse McCall isn’t one to hurt a fly, but she finally seems ready to kick some ass. And we’re right there with her.

+ What’s your favorite chill-inducing moment? Let us know in the comments!

About the author  ⁄ Matthew Scott Donnelly

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