December 19, 2024

These ‘Fresh Prince’ Fans Did ‘The Carlton’ Almost As Well As Alfonso Ribeiro

Elizabeth Berkley recreating Jesse Spano’s infamous “Saved By the Bell” freakout on Season 17 of “Dancing with the Stars“? Awesome.

Alfonso Ribeiro resurrecting the legendary Carlton Dance from “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” on last night’s episode? IN-FRIGGIN’-CREDIBLE.

In a performance that earned him a perfect score, Alfonso brought down the house, but why let the hip swingin’ stop there? In honor of MTV’s #Throwblock, which now airs episodes of “Fresh Prince” from noon to 2 p.m. every weekday, we’re asking the show’s biggest fans to submit their best Carlton Dances to And if yours catches our eye, it might just be featured on MTV during an upcoming “Fresh Prince” marathon! Plus, if you want to give us an extra nudge, you can use the hashtag #DoTheCarlton on social media and post it for the whole wide world to see.

Related: Seven Life Lessons Learned From ‘The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air’

So whether you’re a stickler for the classic or prefer to put a contemporary twist on the move, show us what you’ve got. And catch MTV’s HUUUGE “Fresh Prince” marathon from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. next Monday, October 13 to see if yours makes the cut!

Pssst… Just in case you need a little inspiration, here are some of the Internet’s current Carlton hits:

The Kiddie Carlton, from Stephen Jones:

The Sliding Carpet Carlton, from @KonaJona:

The Crosswalk Carlton, from @Gwarskatan:

The Calculated Carlton, from Jack Banister:

The A Capella Carlton, from @DanielleBlanks:

The Slow-Mo Carlton, from @Contend_LA:

The Around-The-World Carlton, from Ivan Umpierrez:

The Cradle Carlton, from Scallywag2121:

The Community Carlton, from Lightning Pawn:

The White Man’s Carlton, from Russel Miller:

About the author  ⁄ Matthew Scott Donnelly

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