March 6, 2025

This Guy’s Potato Salad Kickstarter Has Raised Almost $2,000 In Two And A Half Days

Kickstarter has been used to back some fabulous things, but it’s also been used for some pretty ridiculous crowdfunding. The latest?

A kickstarter for potato salad.

Because sometimes you need a little help saving up for those expensive ingredients like pickles, potatoes, mustard and mayo! It turns out, Americans really, really do love their potato salad, and the project was just quirky enough to pick up steam.

So far, the man behind the project, Zack “Danger” Brown of Columbus, Ohio has successfully raised $1,823 to make his potato salad.

Zack Brown / Via Facebook: ShutterHead-Studios

USA Today reported the story yesterday, and at that time, Brown had 87 backers and $340—in just one day that number has multiplied exponentially. During the writing of this post, another backer contributed $3, which is what pushed the new number to $1,823.

When we reached out to Zack by email, he admitted that he had no idea the project would get this big. “No way. With the project 1/10th of the way over, I thought we’d be somewhere between 1 and 2 dollars,” he wrote. “It has always been my dream to do something that would connect people all over the world. Did I think that would happen with potato salad? No. But Kickstarter has made my dreams come true!”

But, Brown hasn’t rested on his laurels–the goals for his potato salad making have increased as his funding grew. The original goal was a mere $10, after hitting that, Zack amended with some stretch goals: $35, $75 and $100. He hit those no problem. Then, he hit $350, and things really began to roll when he hit $1,000. In two and a half days, he’s almost reached $2,000.

The amended incentives that he plans to carry out include: Trying multiple recipes, a livestream of the potato salad making, and an “I Love Potato Salad” hat.


Originally, he said he was inspired to make potato salad because everyone had been talking about it, with the 4th of July approaching and all.

“This week, it seemed like potato salad was on the tip of everyone’s tongue,” Brown wrote. “Early this week someone asked if I’d ever made potato salad and I couldn’t say that I had. So I turned to Kickstarter to change that.”

How does Zack dream the project might end? With the milestone of $3,000 and a chance to bring everyone who helped him together.

I really hope we hit $3000,” he wrote. “I want to rent a party hall and invite the whole internet to eat potato salad and bask in this thing we’ve managed to create together. Two and a half days, $1800. I am honestly having a lot of trouble keeping up with it!”

Thank you, internet, for turning potato salad making into a meme. Support Zack’s Kickstarter here.

MTV Weekend Editor. Acts like Madonna but listens to Merle.

About the author  ⁄ wild1067

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