March 7, 2025

Uh-Oh, Kanye: Coinye’s Back

Much like Kanye’s Yeezus namesake, Coinye has risen again. Tuesday (January 14), seven anonymous coders shuttered their website hawking satirical Kanye West-themed virtual currency after West served them with a suit, but — one day later — they’re back.

“A bird told me that the new website will be up within the next 24 hours,” the coders told MTV News in an email Wednesday (January 15) before pointing us toward a Twitter account, @ThisWeeksCoin, toting the link. “Legal: I have nothing to do with the coin,” the account said in a tweet.

The website is currently live, allowing users to start using the currency — dubbed CoinyeCoin — today.

“Contrary to popular media opinion, we are not dead,” the coders write on the site. “We are working hard to bring you some exciting new additions!”

“Is Kanye involved?” they continue. “Absolutely not! We would like to make it clear that we are entirely independent of the man, and there should be no confusion as to the intent or origin of this project. The name ‘Coinye’ is intended solely as parody, not an indication or implication of endorsement or involvement.”

Kanye is not only not involved, he’s also apparently put-off by the tribute. Tuesday (January 14), the rapper filed a suit in Manhattan federal court to stop production of the coin, as Ye’s lawyers had previously deemed it a form of trademark infringement that takes away from Kanye’s reputation.

The original coin featured Yeezy’s face and signature shuttered shades, but — after the creators were served with a cease and desist letter from Kanye’s lawyers on January 6 — it’s now emblazoned with a Kanye-fied fish, which is a reference to a “South Park” episode mocking Ye’s supposed inability to take a joke.

“This is the first attempted takedown/dismantling of a coin,” reads a quote on the currency’s website that is attributed to an unknown source. “This provides useful data for the future on how resilient crypto currencies are to outside control beyond whales manipulating the markets.”

We’ll just have to see if this little fish can stay afloat in these choppy waters.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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