March 6, 2025

‘Walking Dead’ Burning Questions: What Lies A Head?

Warning: Massive “Walking Dead” Spoilers Are Ahead!

After seven episodes that moved at a crawl at times, “The Walking Dead” turned up the heat and threw everything at the fan in the midseason finale, titled “Too Far Gone.” The result: absolute mayhem.

Let’s recap: the Governor makes his move on the prison. When Rick denies his terms, the Governor snaps and cuts off hostage Hershel’s head. The Governor then shoots a zombifying Meghan in the head. The Governor then gets stabbed in the chest by Michonne, and then gets shot in the head. As the prison falls all around them, so many other people get shot in their heads — most likely including baby Judith, only recognizable as a bloodstain on a baby carriage. And everyone who didn’t get shot in the head? They’re headed for who the heck knows where, somewhere far, far, far away from the prison.

Whew. Got all that? Good, because I have some questions, and I want them answered immediately. Let’s dive in:

So, No Spaghetti Tuesdays On Wednesdays, Then?
Hate to say I told you so, but, well, I told you so. In yesterday’s column, I mentioned that I had a theory about how Hershel would die, and it panned out as I expected. In the comics, a different character gets beheaded by the Governor in a very similar scene. For the TV show, Hershel took that character’s place. It’s a sad end for one of the show’s greatest characters, but it’s a death fans won’t soon forget.

What Can Be Worse Than The Governor?
It’s a question that “The Walking Dead” will have to answer, now that the man known as Phillip Blake, alias Brian Heriot, alias the Governor, is finally dead and gone. Good riddance to bad rubbish, but pour one out for actor David Morrissey, who really killed it (wop wop) in the past few episodes. Again, sad to see him go, but a hell of a way to leave.

Will We See The Chambler Sisters Again?
Meghan is gone, as is her protector, “Brian,” but the sisters Lilly and Tara Chambler are still alive, as far as I can tell. Tara slinks off during the firefight, and Lilly was the one who pulled the trigger on the Governor, as the walkers are starting to close in. By the look of it, both sisters are surrounded by the living dead, their own deaths all but inevitable at this point. Personally, I hope we see them again. I really liked what Audrey Marie Anderson and Alanna Masterson brought to Lilly and Tara respectively, and I’d love to see more.

Is Judith Actually Dead?
If you don’t see the body, the person isn’t dead. That’s Horror Movie 101, isn’t it? Then again, Judith was rather small, and therefore fairly easy to turn into a bloodstain when put on the path of an explosive tank. Given the way that scene was handled, and the fact that there was no wink or nod at the audience indicating her continued survival, I hate to say it, but… looks like she’s gone.

What’s Ahead?
That’s a tough one. The prison expats are so spread out, that it’s hard to imagine how they’ll all come together again. It’s even hard to keep track of who’s with who right now. (For what it’s worth: Tyreese has Lizzie and Mika, Daryl is with Beth, Rick is with Carl, Glenn is on the bus, injured Bob is with Maggie and Sasha, and Michonne is on her own.) As for where any of them go next, or how they meet up, if at all, is anyone’s guess. The wait for February is going to be a long one.

What did you think of the “Walking Dead” midseason finale? Are you sad to see Hershel, the Governor and Judith die? Let us know in the comments below!

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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