March 11, 2025

We Have A Lot Of Feels About California’s New Cat Cafe

We have some awesome news for people in L.A. who are too lazy to take care of a pet but want something warm to cuddle with: Now you can play with kittens without cleaning up after them.

A Catfe (= cat + cafe) — a.k.a. “a Starbucks petting zoo with cats” — is popping up in Los Angeles’ Chinatown from October 2nd to 5th, reports LA Weekly.

Cat in coffee cup

After seeing the success of cat cafes in Tokyo, founder Carlos Wong was inspired to bring Catfe to the U.S. He began a Kickstarter to fund the event less than a year ago, and now it’s already become the real deal.

The “LACatfe” will have plenty of cats available for petting, cuddling, and — most importantly — adopting. Wong teamed up with Chinatown BID and Best Friends Animal Society Los Angeles, a no-kill animal shelter, to make everyone’s wildest cat dreams come true.

“I found it interesting how people interacted with the cats while they [were] having their snacks and drinks and all that,” Wong said in his Kickstarter video.

He goes on to explain that people who aren’t able to keep pets at home — because they don’t have the time or resources to take care of them, for example — enjoy visiting pet cafes to get their fill of cat cuddles.

Related: This Kitten Who Gobbles When She Eats Makes Us Want To Rip Out Our Hearts

A similar temporary cat cafe came to Manhattan last April, so maybe someday one will make an appearance in your hometown. The long-term plan is to start permanent Catfes in cities across the country, and the LACatfe will kick off the company’s second round of fundraising that will go towards this ultimate goal.

In the meantime, here are a few GIFs that convey how we feel about the whole Catfe concept:

falling over

roaring in color

i'm here and ready

flying cat


smokey cat

For more details about the exact location and hours, check out LACatfe’s Facebook.

About the author  ⁄ Deepa Lakshmin

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