February 24, 2025

What Color Is Ben Affleck’s Batman Costume? Here Are Some Terrible Options

Artwork by Christina Buquid

The first look at Ben Affleck’s Batman costume for the upcoming “Man of Steel” sequel was met with a mostly positive reaction by fans, but there was one thing missing.

Some color.

A couple of Photoshop-savvy fans imagined what the full color version of the new Batsuit might look like, but without an official non-monochrome look, we’re left scratching our heads trying to guess if it’s all black, gray or has some blue.

Because in reality, the Batfleck Batsuit could be any color, and to prove they point, we dreamt up the worst possible color options for the Caped Crusader.

1 - d7TIrUq

How is he supposed to stalk in sequins?

2 - dTpzbQk

This is technically camouflage.

3 - y60pcoW

There’s no shame in a corporate sponsorship to help pay the bills.

4 - bUSi0Kh

This kind of misses the point of the whole Superman rivalry.

5 - fRgnK0U

This is from Batman’s more “experimental” phase.

The untitled “Man of Steel” sequel opens in theaters on May 6, 2016.

About the author  ⁄ Kevin P. Sullivan

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