December 21, 2024

Watch Elementary School Nicki Minaj Share Her Career Aspirations

What were stars like before they were famous?

This is a question that we never grow tired of answering, and the latest star to get a blast from the past is none other than everyone’s favorite “Anaconda” tamer Nicki Minaj. Given the recent spotlight on Nicki for her new music and bold, booty-flaunting new statements, it’s no surprise that an old video clip from her past has surfaced.

But don’t worry, there’s nothing incriminating on this brief clip that Perez Hilton seems to have unearthed from a fan-made video. Unless you count the adorable, well-meaning childhood dream of helping other people to be pay dirt.

Here’s Onika Back In Elementary School:


Okay, so that’s definitely Nicki. What else did she have to say?

Her Career Aspiration: Nurse!


I can definitely see her as a nurse in a different life. But what was the reason she wanted to pursue a career in the medical profession?

She Wanted To Help Others.

That’s our Nicki—she’s still got a heart of gold. Don’t worry Nicki, you’re definitely still helping people. A lottttt of people.

Watch the full video below to get an earful of her adorable Elementary school voice, which was still full of her signature phrasing style. Whoever made the clip faded out grade school Nicki into a clip of her grinding on Drake for their “Anaconda” video chair session. Nice contrast ehh?

MTV Weekend Editor. Acts like Madonna but listens to Merle.


About the author  ⁄ wild1067

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