March 11, 2025

What Does Kristen Wiig Have To Say About The ‘Ghostbusters’ Rumors?

When the news broke that Paul Feig might have been tapped to direct an all-female reboot of the cult classic “Ghosbusters” franchise, a brief and sudden storm of fan-fervor erupted.

And while no further information has really been released, the speculation continued during this week’s Toronto International Film Festival, “Ghosbuster” alum Bill Murray told the Toronto Star who he thought the ideal cast for a female remake would be.

Melissa [McCarthy] would be a spectacular Ghostbuster. And Kristen Wiig is so funny — God, she’s funny!” Murray said. “I like this girl Linda Cardellini (who played Sylvia on “Mad Men”) a lot. And Emma Stone is funny. There are some funny girls out there.”

Of course, with Feig involved, most “Bridesmaid” fans were already hoping for McCarthy and Wiig to be included in the project, but there’s also talk of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler getting involved.

So what did Kristen Wiig have to say about her Murray-approved nomination?

“I will do whatever Bill Murray tells me to,” she dead-panned to Yahoo Moviest when they brought up the topic at another TIFF press junket today (September 10).

While it’s definitely not a confirmation, it’s certainly not a no. When posed the same question by the Star, McCarthy expressed interest but admitted that so far, she hadn’t been approached.

As for Wiig’s former “Saturday Night Live” and current “The Skeleton Twins” co-star Bill Hader, he’s all for the the role.. and might have his eyes set on a cameo while he’s at it.

“I don’t want to pressure you,” he joked to Wiig. “But you should do it, and you should have a friend, who’s like, a guy who has to carry around your proton pack.”

Hmmm, that’s actually not a bad idea.

MTV Weekend Editor. Acts like Madonna but listens to Merle.


About the author  ⁄ wild1067

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