February 24, 2025

Who Else Is Ready For Some Emma Watson Fan Merch?

You might think: Who is this Harry Potter girl? What is she doing at the UN?

It’s the question Emma Watson posed to the United Nations General Assembly yesterday, and I’ll tell you what she was doing there: Absolutely nailing it.

As the newly appointed UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador, Emma was on hand in New York to launch the new campaign HeforShe—a global movement designed to tackle the idea that gender inequality is not a “woman’s issue,” but a “human issue.” And that men can—and should—be feminists, too.

Related: Watch Emma Watson Speak On Gender Equality At The UN

I like to hope that the beauty and power in what Emma Watson said in front of the United Nations is another step toward the reshaping of cultural attitudes. When we can realize it’s harmful to tell women that they aren’t as “smart as men,” and just as harmful to tell boys to “stop crying” or to “be a man about it.” When we can admit that not all feminists are angry, militant, or bra-burning stereotypes. When we accept that even thoughtful, intelligent feminists—say, such as myself—can also enjoy stereotypically feminine interests like fashion and style.

Because that’s the thing. I am an outspoken feminist. I also love men. And I ALSO really want all of this amazing Emma Watson fan swag to actually exist in real life. I would rock all of this so hard.


So I can wear my love of Emma on my sleeve. Literally.


For sipping all the truth tea.


A symbol for the *key* role she’s playing in the fight for global gender equality. But also, for the keys to my apartment.


In an ideal world, these would leave imprints of her quote in the sand.

And while there isn’t officially a “He for She” t-shirt yet, we’d love to propose this design.


It’d be available in unisex sizes, because duh.

About the author  ⁄ Katherine Fritz

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