September 29, 2024

About the author  ⁄ Alicia Lutes

Jimmy Fallon’s Bet With NHL Mascot Youppi Draws To Adorably Sad Conclusion: See The Pics

by 06/01/14

Poor Youppi.

The newly adopted mascot of the Montreal Canadiens hockey team (he was formerly the face of the city’s then-MLB franchise, the Expos) has lost a bet to “Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon. And there are hilariously sad photos to prove it.

It all started a few weeks ago in the middle of the New York Rangers/Canadiens’ Eastern Conference finals matchup, when the hockey team proposed a bet: if the Habs (that’s what they’re nicknamed) won, Fallon would have to wear their jersey during his monologue. If the Rangers won? Youppi would need to take a series of sad photos, admitting defeat, in a Rangers jersey.

Spoiler alert: the Rangers won. And poor Youppi is very sad about it.

But he is nothing if not an honorable man-mascot-thingy, so Youppi made good on his bet, resulting in a series of 10 photos that put even Sad Keanu Reeves to shame:

(That one’s our personal favorite.)

Stay strong, Youppi. Stay. Strong.


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This Selfie Proves Lupita Nyong’o And Aaron Paul Must Make A Rom-Com Immediately

by 06/01/14

All right, so maybe a photo of a selfie isn’t a selfie per se, but it’s only a matter of time befor Aaron Paul tweets the photo himself. And once that happens we’ll have definitive proof that he and “12 Years a Slave” star Lupita Nyong’o need to do a romantic comedy together. Immediately.

I mean, look at these two! Look at how charming and universally adored they are! Look at how cute and playful their chemistry is: goddamnit, don’t you just want to see them get up to some antics? Partake in tomfoolery? Fill their days with shenanigans? End it all in some sort of modern take on the fairytale endings?

Of course you do! Look at them!

Doesn’t it make you feel aww shucksy all over?

The photo is from Saturday’s Veuve Cliquot Polo Classic in Jersey City, New Jersey. The annual event saw Nygong’o, Paul, and a bevy of other stars (including a similarly dressed “50 Shades” star, Dakota Johnson) come out and play fancy socialites for the day, while inadvertantly writing the next great American rom-com of our dreams.

Picture it: Paul plays Marcus, a down-on-his-luck artist type from Brooklyn, whose brief run-in with Nyong’o's Alice puts him on course for a missed connection sojourn, complete with Craigslist intrigue, a Twitter mystery, and a series of Instagram posts used to find and facilitate a second modern meet-cute. It’s a romance for these modern times! You want it, you need it: it’s OK to admit it — heck, that’s why we ...

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Watch Luke Bryan Take A Tumble While Performing A Macklemore Cover

by 06/01/14

“The last time I was in North Carolina I busted my ass,” Luke Bryan said while recovering from his latest fall in the Tar Heel state. “What is it about North Carolina that makes me bust my ass?”

Clumsy-footed country star Luke Bryan took a bit of a tumble last night, falling off stage (for the second time!) in the middle of performing a cover of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ song, “Can’t Hold Us.”

He’s fine now — never you fear — confirming as such after the whole debacle, going so far as to encourage attendees at Charlotte’s PNC Music Pavillion to YouTube the literal misstep — most likely because this is 2014 we’re talking about and of course video of the fall was going to end up on the Internet. Of course.

Bryan later tweeted that all was well, so fans heading to Sunday night’s show in Bristow, Virginia have nothing to worry about.

Somebody get this man a “This Is The End of the Stage, Be Careful!” sign for his shows.


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The Time To Catch Up On ‘Orphan Black’ Is Now

by 06/01/14

There’s this show you may or may not be watching; it’s called “Orphan Black”. And in Saturday night’s latest episode — “Knowledge of Causes and Secret Motion of Things” — the show sort of upped the ante and changed everything. Which means it’s the perfect time to sit down, binge watch, and join the Clone Club already, damn it.

Now, you’ve likely heard the name bandied about on the Internet for awhile now, but for the unaware and uninformed, allow us to break it down. “Orphan Black” is a BBC America series starring the so-talented-it-is-stupid-and-borderline-unfair, Tatiana Maslany. The face of our sisterhood like no other — and by that we mean clones — Maslany is in a league of her own on the talented actor front. She rests on no laurels and is nothing if not 100 percent committed to her many, many, many different roles. She’s arguably the best actor on TV right now. After all: who else on television is playing a series of clones?

Before you science fiction-phobes start running for the hills, allow us to implore you to sit your ass right down and wait, because that is only one part of it. If you’re apprehensive about getting in on such a premise, trust us when we say: this show is so much more than all that. (And really, geek is the new chic these days so you might as well accept it.)

The series itself runs more like a psychological crime thriller, with conspiracy theories, good cop/bad ...

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9 Folks We Think Would Do Real Well in the World of ‘Game of Thrones’

by 05/31/14

In the realm of ice and fire, only the sharpest tools in the shed survive — or, at least last a little bit longer than their more noble counterparts (cough cough the Starks cough). All men must die, after all, valar morghulis to that!

With a neverending cavalcade of characters entering and exiting the Realm of “Game of Thrones,” our pop culture obsessed mind got to thinking: which of our favorite characters, celebrities, and the like would live in Westeros and Essos?

And then we thought better still: which of these characters would not only not-die, but thrive?

From imaginary cartoons to IRL humans, we’ve figured out a couple of folks we think would totally own the George R.R. Martin saga with their creativity, cunning wit, and general badassitude. And should you need to be warned, let it be known: this post contains minor spoilers, so don’t say we didn’t warn you, spoilerphobes.

Amy Poehler

Now sure, on first glance you’d say: “But wait: Leslie Knope does everything! She’s a master of government politics and making-it-work and doing the right thing! Wouldn’t she be the better choice?” But then you’d remember that this is Westeros and that sort of noble behavior would get Knope Ned Stark’d in no time flat. Amy, on the other hand, gets stuff done and doesn’t take crap from anyone. She’s a true Targaryen if we’ve ever seen one.

2 Chainz

Now at first glance you might assume that his skillset as a rapper would ...

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‘Avatar’ The Cirque du Soleil Show Is Actual Thing That’s Going To Happen

by 05/29/14

Did you find yourself watching James Cameron’s 2009 epic Avatar and wishing, “If only this was set to ethereal music and accompanied by brain-melting acrobatics?”

Well wish no more, friends, because the Cirque du Soleil show you never knew you needed in your life is about to become a reality, according to Variety. Cameron is working with the circus artists to bring a live iteration of his big, blue world to the stage.

The news was announced by Daniel Lamarre, president and CEO of Cirque du Soleil on Thursday in Montreal during the international business C2MTL– Commerce + Creativity Conference. (Say that five times fast.) The show is set to debut in late 2015. No longer will Na’vi ways be sequestered to its many planned big screen sequels — in fact with a debut date of 2015, the live iteration will arrive before the three remaining Avatar sequels.

“Over the years, I have discovered the extraordinary talents and imaginations of both the artists and the creative forces behind Cirque du Soleil,” said James Cameron in a statement. “I know we share the common goal of bringing audiences to another level of entertainment experiences. I look forward to doing just that on this project.”

According to Lamarre, this is not some willynilly idea, but rather something that’s been in the works since the first movie debuted. “Our relationship with Jim Cameron began with my visit at his Avatar cutting room. I am thrilled that almost 5 ...

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Seth MacFarlane and Charlize Theron Agree: It Takes a Pair (in The West)

by 05/29/14

With reporting by Chris Kim

Listen: no one thinks it’s really all that hard for Seth MacFarlane to be funny. He’s the creator of “Family Guy” and “Ted,” verdamnit: so taking risks is not something he’s really all that disinclined to do.

But still! When it comes to taking an iconic genre like the Western and turning it into his personal brand of silly tomfoolery? Well, now that sorta takes some balls. Luckily, between himself and his “A Million Ways to Die in the West” costar Charlize Theron, they “certainly do” have a full pair — which is just enough to do something this kinda-crazy (in a good way) and get away with it — at least, as MTV News found out when we sat down with the duo.

“A Million Ways to Die in the West” opens May 30. Balls not included.


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T.I. Vs. Floyd Mayweather: Boxing Champ Explains Vegas Fatburger Fight

by 05/25/14

This past Saturday night was as eventful as one would expect any Memorial Day weekend in Las Vegas to be: folks were partying in no small measure, women were Instagramming with freewheeling glee, late-night burgers were heartily consumed, and Floyd Mayweather had a much-publicized brawl.

Only this time it wasn’t a ringside event: the undefeated boxing champ exchanged some serious words with rapper T.I. that resulted in a fight inside a Fatburger. And as it turns out? The whole thing stemmed from Instagram photos T.I.’s wife Tameka “Tiny” Cottle sent out on the social-media platform. And now Mayweather wants to apologize to her.

Explaining his side of the story to, Mayweather stated that the whole mess started in early May when T.I. approached him after Tiny posted a photo of her and Mayweather together.

“I been knowing Tiny before T.I.,” Mayweather explained. “I’ve never slept with her, I never kissed her, never touched her in no inappropriate way. Her friend Shekinah wanted to come to the [May 4th] fight, she brought Tiny with her. … After that, I guess she put a picture up on Instagram of her at the fight so I guess he [T.I.] was feeling some type of way.”

Mayweather said the rapper approached him after that initial Instagram, to which Mayweather replied, “I was basically like, ‘Listen. I’m letting you know I ain’t got…me and your wife don’t have nothing…if you think so.’”

Which was all well and good until this weekend when the trio ...

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Wiz Khalifa Released After Texas Arrest

by 05/25/14

After a series of truly head-scratching tweets from jail — that even included a selfie! — it looks as though Wiz Khalifa is a free man once more.

Following his arrest at a Texas airport at the discovery of a “green leafy substance” on the rapper during a TSA check, Khalifa took to social media to pass the time while everything was processed. Fans showed their support on Twitter with the use of the hashtag #freetrapwiz.

After being held for several hours — putting his performance at Minnesota’s 2014 Soundset festival in jeopardy — the rapper was out of jail (charged with possession of .5 grams of marijuana) and boarding a private jet to get him to his set on time.

Bacc to da trap.

“Im on a Pj to Soundest,” Khalifa tweeted, “so I obviously can’t drop the tape right now but iss def comin out today.” The tape Khalifa is referencing is a long-awaited and now oh-so-ironic new track he planned to release today titled “28 Grams.” Thank goodness it wasn’t titled “Half a Gram,” otherwise this whole ordeal would’ve really been a bit too on-the-nose.


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Arcade Fire Responds To Against Me! Singer’s Criticism of ‘We Exist’

by 05/25/14

Only a few days after Against Me!’s lead singer Laura Jane Grace came out against the casting of Andrew Garfield in their video for “We Exist,” Arcade Fire‘s frontman and the video’s director have come forward to explain why they decided on the “Amazing Spider-Man” actor to embody the trans character of Sandy.

It all started on Twitter, when Grace — an openly trans woman born Tom Gabel — questioned the use of a cisgender (a.k.a. non-trans) actor to portray the transgendered Sandy. “Dear @arcadefire,” the tweet started. “Maybe when making a video for a song called ‘We Exist’ you should get an actual ‘Trans’ actor instead of Spider-Man?”

Grace’s criticism follows a recent wave of conversation from the trans community about the use of non-trans actors to portray their struggles in popular culture. Similar questions were raised in regards to Jared Leto playing a trans woman, Rayon, in “Dallas Buyers Club.”

However Win Butler, lead singer of Arcade Fire, stands by the choice, telling The Advocate, “For a gay kid in Jamaica to see the actor who played Spider-Man in that role is pretty damn powerful, in my opinion.”

The magazine also spoke with the clip’s director, David Wilson, who explained he was aware of the concerns before they even decided on Garfield. “Before I got on the call, I thought, Is this the right person — should we be using a transgender person? But then getting on the phone with Andrew, and Andrew’s ...

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