June 14, 2024

Jimmy Fallon’s Bet With NHL Mascot Youppi Draws To Adorably Sad Conclusion: See The Pics

Poor Youppi.

The newly adopted mascot of the Montreal Canadiens hockey team (he was formerly the face of the city’s then-MLB franchise, the Expos) has lost a bet to “Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon. And there are hilariously sad photos to prove it.

It all started a few weeks ago in the middle of the New York Rangers/Canadiens’ Eastern Conference finals matchup, when the hockey team proposed a bet: if the Habs (that’s what they’re nicknamed) won, Fallon would have to wear their jersey during his monologue. If the Rangers won? Youppi would need to take a series of sad photos, admitting defeat, in a Rangers jersey.

Spoiler alert: the Rangers won. And poor Youppi is very sad about it.

But he is nothing if not an honorable man-mascot-thingy, so Youppi made good on his bet, resulting in a series of 10 photos that put even Sad Keanu Reeves to shame:

(That one’s our personal favorite.)

Stay strong, Youppi. Stay. Strong.

About the author  ⁄ Alicia Lutes

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