June 2, 2024

‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ Meets ‘Parks And Rec’: The Only Mash-Up You’ll Ever Need

We’ve watched Chris Pratt as friendly goofball Andy Dwyer for five seasons on NBC’s “Parks and Recreation,” following his story as he evolved from a dude with two broken legs living in a pit to a married dude with questionably high sugar intake. Now, it’s time to watch the next step in Pratt’s evolution: action star.

This morning’s trailer for “Guardians of the Galaxy” gave the world their first significant look at Pratt in the role of intergalactic hero Peter Quill (Star-Lord, if you’re fancy). Though we’ve already ogled Pratt’s be-selfied abs after he beefed up for his go-round as a Marvel star, the transformation is still shocking. (Note to “Parks and Rec” writers: Now’s the time to write that “Bert Macklin: Space Cop” storyline into the show.)

To help ease the path to accepting this new phase in Pratt’s life, we’ve created a much-needed stepping stone between the world of “Parks and Rec” and “Guardians.” Presenting: “Guardians of the Parks.” Enjoy.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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