May 19, 2024

These 16 Minimalist Movie Posters Show Just The Awesome Parts

How much can you leave out of a movie poster, and still get the sense of what the movie is about? These amazing minimalist movie posters seek to answer that ancient, unanswerable question as the major MTV Movie Awards nominees get the simplistic (but not simple) treatment:

How much can you leave out of a movie poster, and still get the sense of what the movie is about? These amazing minimalist movie posters seek to answer that ancient, unanswerable question as the major MTV Movie Awards nominees get the simplistic (but not simple) treatment:

The glasses. The flag. No science oven, but you get the gist.

Purists may take issue with the zombies emerging from the ground, but we’ll give that a pass.

Live long, and leave out facial details.

This is like looking at an Alien landscape! Because James Franco’s character in the movie is named Alien. Oh, you got it? Okay, good.

If they don’t make those pacifiers ASAP, they’re losing an intense amount of money.

This poster makes us want to get Loki tonight.

Spoiler: the movie is basically “The Wizard of Oz,” but the scarecrow wants a heart made out of pills.

Because you’re at home watching “Don Jon” on your laptop, and you’ll be crying a lot at the sad parts. Why, what did you think was going on?

This poster illuminates what we all already know: “Wolf of Wall Street” is mostly about the power of Margot Robbie’s feet.

If you print out this poster, those IDs are actually legal in five states.

Until someone actually makes a movie with spooky sheet-ghosts, we’ll make due with this poster.

This is literally the only part of “This is the End” that was clean enough to make a poster out of.

Keep it classy, minimalist poster.

Somewhere there’s a minimalist poster for Trevor Slattery’s production of “King Lear.”

We’re breathing a silent sigh of relief that there was no tarantula anywhere on this poster.

The little white circle is Sandra Bullock.

Best. Scene. Ever.

Remember when Katniss shot that hamburger? Good times.

This is not actually a spoiler for the movie, FYI. Yes, Johnny Knoxville turns into a skeleton at one point, but it’s very brief.

Start the summer movie season with the 2014 MTV Movie Awards, hosted by Conan O’Brien, Sunday, April 13 @ 9/8c! Get ready for the show with exclusive MTV Movie Awards Takeover movie previews. Then, during the 2014 Movie Awards show, watch our All-Access MTV Movie Awards Live Stream on

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