If you're going to grill a pair of talented actors during an interview in which they can only answer "yes" or "no," it's hard to do better than Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx. When MTV News' Josh Horowitz sat down with the "White House Down" stars to discuss their careers, their (very) personal lives and their new film, the two answered as candidly as they could, given their two options.
Tatum and Foxx braved the treacherous waters of After Hours and "The Yes/No Show" and came out on the other side, but not without spilling some secrets along the way, including:
» Channing Tatum on the proper spelling of "G-Y-L-L-E-N-H-A-A-L." (Don't worry, that's a hard one.)
» The current location of the Academy Award nomination unfairly stolen from Jamie Foxx for his role in "Django Unchained."
» Channing's predictions for the eventual Dewan-Tatum baby versus North West showdown.
» The shock revelation about the last time Channing watched pornography.
After Hours wasn't the first time Foxx and Tatum went through a stressful situation together. In "White House Down," Tatum plays John Cale, a wannabe Secret Service agent who is forced to be the real deal when terrorists storm the presidential digs. Foxx plays the president, whom Cale must protect for the future of the country and the safety of his daughter.
Check out everything we've got on "White House Down," out Friday.