May 7, 2024

Review Category : TMZ Music News

These 6 Zac Efron Smiles Give His Abs A Run For Their Money

Those baby blues, the pearly whites, the oh-so-kissable lips — Zac Efron proves a triple threat when it comes to flashing a grin. On Sunday night (April 13), his smile was on display to knee-buckling effect — second only to his abs — upon winning Best Shirtless Performance.

Here are six of our favorite sexy smirks by the star, from the red carpet to acceptance high jinks to backstage at this year's MTV Movie Awards.

1) Crooked half-grin with a side of flexed biceps, please! Efron's first appearance at the Movie Awards, via the red carpet, left us fanning ourselves. We just want to muss up that spiked hair, and the way that denim T-shirt hugs his arms? Swoon! The lopsided expression just adds to the charm — that's a smile complete with killer accessories!

2) Apatow-tastic! We give this backstage Zefron grin a thumb's up — especially considering the fact that funnyman Judd Apatow is on Zac's arm. To be a fly on the wall for the conversation moments before this photo was snapped! Note to Judd: Your next film could use 100 percent more Efron!

3) Let 'er rip! Rita Ora is our new BFF after taking it upon herself to interrupt Efron's winning Best Shirtless Performance speech by tearing open his denim shirt. And we're definitely not complaining! Is it hot in here, or is it just Zac?

4) Smile? What smile? We're a little distracted. ... So you thought we'd only post one Best Shirtless Performance–winning money shot? ...

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Watch Mark Wahlberg Swear His Way Through His MTV Generation Speech

Know what really grinds Mark Wahlberg's gears (besides when you forget to say hi to your mother for him)? Receiving the 2014 Generation Award. Because according to the artist formally known as Marky Mark, all this fancy award signifies is the necessity for him to get the [insert expletive-laden tirade here] out of Dodge.

"It's the 'Too F--king Old to Return Award,' " the actor explained in his typical Bostonian, anger-fueled manner at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards. And not even receiving the honor from "Entourage" buds Vince, Turtle and Drama (a.k.a. Adrian Grenier, Jerry Ferrara and Kevin Dillon) could quell his anger. Noting some of the previous winners — none of whom have retired from acting, it should be noted — Wahlberg frustratingly resigned himself to the idea that he was no longer cool enough to return to the Movie Awards. And that made him very angry.

"It was a great run and I'm a lucky guy in so many ways," Wahlberg stated before rhapsodizing about his older career choices (never forget those Calvin Klein underwear ads, you guys). Naturally, this elicited strong reactions from the audience, which caused him to reply, "Hey, shut the f--k up! I'm about to cry in a minute. Sh--, I ain't f--king around. I've got to do 'Ted 2.' "

Noticeably absent from the accolades were fellow Entouragers Kevin Connolly (Eric Murphy) and Jeremy Piven (Ari Gold). And while Connolly had an excuse (see below), we've yet to hear from Piven as to why he was unavailable, though it seems reasonable to assume he ...

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Channing Tatum Was Silenced By Conan’s Dick Pic

Usually, when celebs gets a little too wordy with their acceptance speeches, awards shows pipe in some subtle wrap-up music. Well, the MTV Movie Awards are not subtle and neither is host Conan O'Brien. His weapon of choice? A dick pic.

Yup, as the 2014 MTV Movie Awards got underway, O'Brien showed us his certified "shut up" tool — quite literally — telling actors and bands alike he would whip it out, so to speak, if anyone's ruminations got a little too long. (So many puns, so little time — and class).

The snap he had locked and loaded was censored, but the image of the comedian smiling and pantless — shirt, tie and jacket included -- won't be leaving our craniums any time soon.

Only Channing Tatum, to our knowledge, was flashed the D — after rambling on a little too long after snapping up his "Trailblazer Award."

Maybe O'Brien could be in What do you think, Chan? Does he measure up? I'm done now. I promise.


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50 Celebs Were In Conan’s Movie Awards Open: Did You Catch Them All?

When it comes to epic openers, MTV Movie Awards host Conan O'Brien pulled out all the stops. With a record-breaking number of celebrity cameos — 50 stars in two minutes — Conan made sure that this year's Awards would quite literally go down in the history books.

With so many celebrities in such a short time — that's one cameo every 2.4 seconds, in case you don't want to do the math — it's hard to catch every single one the first time through. Luckily we have the clip available for you to watch over and over again.

Featuring Andy Samberg, Seth Rogen, Ice Cube, Sarah Silverman, Elijah Wood, Chris Pratt, Jessica Alba, Ashton Kutcher, Anna Faris, Danny McBride, Ed Helms, Jason Bateman, Lupita Nyong'o, Adam Sandler, the cast of "Noah," Shaun White, Rosario Dawson, Taylor Swift and... That's where we lost count.

Is this the only giant stunt you can expect from Conan O'Brien during the show? Nope! The redheaded host has way more up his sleeves than just the biggest awards show opening of all time. You'll just have to stay tuned to find out just what he has planned.


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Katniss Or Tris? The People Have Spoken At The MTV Movie Awards

With the Best Hero category heroically moving into the awards show proper, it was time for a new category to fill the void in the social-media department. So this year, fans got to vote in the 2014 MTV Movie Awards' inaugural Best Character category.

A host of memorable characters battled it out for user-supported supremacy, including Loki (from "Thor: The Dark World"), Katniss Everdeen ("The Hunger Games: Catching Fire"), Veronica Mars (from "Veronica Mars," duh), Beatrice "Tris" Prior (from"Divergent") and Khan (from "Star Trek Into Darkness").

For a while, it looked like there was going to be a two-way battle between the YA stars, with Katniss (memorably played by Jennifer Lawrence) going toe to toe with Tris (Shailene Woodley), as Tris was trailing behind Katniss by just a few thousand votes. But then Tris came up from behind and pulled off the win — and an upset at that, with more than 9 million votes in her favor!

The villainous god Loki (Tom Hiddleston) trailed in third, even though he has a magical scepter and oodles of raw charisma (doesn't that count for something?), followed by former teenage gumshoe Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell) and another baddie, Benedict Cumberbatch's superhuman Khan. Poor, poor Khan.

Voters cast their ballots via hashtag (#votekatniss, #votetris, #voteveronicamars, #voteloki and #votekhan). But who gets the award: the character or the actor who plays the character? Best Character: a brand-new social media award and a metaphysical can of worms, all in one.


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‘Game Of Thrones’: All The Shocking Moments On ‘The Lion And The Rose’

If you're wondering where our jaws are, they're on the floor with our socks that just got knocked off by the last half hour of "Game of Thrones." While last season's Red Wedding traumatized us for months, the end of the Purple Wedding freaked us out in an entirely different way. Join us as we all cheer together, and recap the most shocking moments on "The Lion and the Rose:"

The Wild Hunt
The episode starts off with Ramsay Snow hunting the most dangerous game, human being, with Theon in tow. When we last saw the first son of the Iron Islands, he was having his wang chopped off — and it looks like, despite a good amount of time passing, he still hasn't gotten over his castration. GET OVER IT, THEON, IT'S JUST YOUR PENIS.

How The Sausage Is Made
Cut from Theon to Tyrion chopping a big fat sausage, because "Game of Thrones" can't pass up that visual joke. On the list of things the show is just like, we wouldn't have naturally put "Austin Powers" on the list, but we're one scene of Tywin asking for sharks with laser beams on their heads from a total crossover.

We're Gonna Need A Montage
Jaime confesses to Tyrion (post-sausage) that he can't fight anymore, so Bronn gets enlisted as Jaime's gruff but ultimately fatherly trainer. We're looking forward to a montage of Jaime running down a King's Landing street while Bronn follows him on a bike, Jaime punching slabs of meat with his one good hand, Jaime banging his sister, etc.

A Close Shave
Back to ...

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8 Crazy Facts About Nicki Minaj’s Maybach 62S

OK, we're not normally car obsessives but c'mon: Was Nicki Minaj's ride to the 2014 MTV Movie Awards sick or what? The rapper took to the red carpet in seriously impressive (and expensive) style by catching a ride in one of the fanciest cars around: the Maybach 62S. And in case you didn't know, this car is one tricked-out ride.

The 62S — which commands a starting price of just under $500,000, so buy one for you and grab a second for your bestie! — was recently purchased by rapper Tyga for a cool $2.2 million. What does that sort of cash get you? Well, quite a lot of tricked-out accoutrements.

1. A day in the backseat of this car will cost more than a month's rent for a NYC studio. For a measly $2,199, you could pretend to be a boss Harajuku Barbie.

2. There are two screens in the backseat because everybody needs multi-screen options. This is 2014 ... duh!

3. Need to throw some shade (on yourself)? There are curtains in the car. Like actual, made-of-fabric curtains.

4. The car also has a panoramic sunroof, in case you prefer your vitamin D dispersed in widescreen format.

5. Wanna lean back, even when you're in the back? No problem here, because the rear seats fully recline.

6. Post-manicure rides are a breeze thanks to the automatic self-closing doors.

7. The car's external communication system (which includes a loudspeaker and microphone, natch) makes communicating with randos on the street a breeze.

8. The Maybach 62S is no place for a rearview-mirror pine tree — how ...

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