June 1, 2024

‘Game Of Thrones’: Here’s How ‘The Mountain And The Viper’ Should Have Ended

Warning: Spoilers from last Sunday’s “Game of Thrones” lurk ahead!

“The Mountain and the Viper” stands out as one of the most exciting, edge-of-your-seat episodes of “Game of Thrones” yet, thanks to the titular battle between Ser Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane and Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne. Sadly, it did not end the way that many fans hoped it would — there was a “sickening crunch” in the final moments of the battle, but it was the hero, not the villain, who ended up on the ground with his head smashed in.

It’s a depressing outcome for fans of the Red Viper (and equally depressing for Tyrion fans; in the wake of the Viper’s loss, the little Lannister that could has been sentenced to death), but it’s straight out of George R.R. Martin’s novels — hard to deviate from the source material on this one.

Then again, maybe the episode would have improved if show runners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss decided to change what Martin had written, at least in this instance. In fact, we’re sure of it, thanks to the following re-edited version of the battle between the Viper and the Mountain:

Really, any excuse to get Ser Pounce back in the mix is a good excuse.

“Game of Thrones” airs the penultimate episode of season four on Sunday.

About the author  ⁄ Josh Wigler

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